Georgia’s Favourite Autumn Candles – Collab. | Blogtober

I would quickly like to take this opportunity to thank the lovely Luci for allowing me the honour of guest posting on her fantastic blog! I always look forward to Luci’s content, and it is such a pleasure to write for her. I am so excited to be able to share my candle recommendations for Autumn. As someone who is guilty of collecting multitudes of candles because they are ‘too pretty to burn,’ you can trust that I have quite the nose on me when it comes to these scented delights!

Peony & Blush Rose:

Okay, so I might be starting off this Autumn candle blog with a summery scent, but this sweet-smelling candle is an absolute delight. It smells like someone has bottled up the scent of walking through a rose garden. This is a great candle heading into this Autumn season, because it reminds you of great summer memories and makes you feel as though you are surrounded by beautiful flowers. I love this candle because to me, it smells like a real flower does, not just something that is ‘flower scented.’ This candle packs a punch, but in the best way! Plus, it really compliments a salt infused bath beautifully.  Keep this one in your bathroom for when you are having a bath, or by your bedside to light while you read a book. This is a relaxing and sweet treat which really feels like your own little luxury. 

Bought from: Sainsburys (£5)

Trick or Treat Candle:

This candle is by far the most Autumn inspired candle of this collection. When I saw the over the top orange colour and Halloween packaging, I couldn’t help but add this to my basket! This smells like sweeties, especially American candy corn! It reminds me a lot of Halloween, so I am sold! I love the vibrant colour, and it fits well with my Halloween themed décor. This is not the strongest smelling candle, so if you are looking for an aesthetic candle with a hint of candy smell, this might be one to try! These candles also have a really long burn time, and after repurchasing Home Bargains candles year after year, I can attest to their burn time being pretty great. I also adore their gingerbread candle, but that one is definitely 100& Christmas goodness.

Bought from: Home Bargains. (£2.99)

Winter Berries + Frankincense & Myrrh:

These two candles are sold separately, but I would argue that they really must be bought as a pair. These candles complement each other entirely and have the smell of Christmas already creeping its way into our home! The winter berries give off a whiff of deep cherry hints, and the Frankincense & Myrrh candle is a beautiful, deep vanilla tone. They work perfectly when lit at opposite sides of the room, for an early lead up to Christmas, while still not being overpoweringly festive. To me, these delightful smells can pass as Autumnal, because they are brilliantly festive without that Christmassy spice!

Bought from: Home Bargains (£2.99 each)

Pink Candle:

This beautiful candle was unfortunately left nameless by B&M, but that doesn’t take away from its pretty ceramic dish and flowery smell. This candle is on constant burn while I film my YouTube videos, because I just love how it fills the room with a gorgeous vanilla and flowery tone. This candle remains subtle enough not to overpower, even when left burning for hours at a time. Shops such as B&M are generally a good place to scout if you are looking for decorative candles which fit most aesthetics. This gorgeous candle is the size of a mug, which means that there is plenty of burn time with the amount of candle wax that can fit in this ceramic dish. I also love the fact that I can re-fill it once this candle burns out. I think that it is always a great investment to buy a candle which has a component you can use again and again.

Bought from: B&M (Around £5)

Thank you so much to Georgia from for collabing with me and writing this post for my blog. Be sure to check out Georgia’s work and YouTube channel too. You can find the first part to this collab, where I share my favourite autumn candles, by clicking here and I will see you tomorrow with a new post!
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