What I’ve Been Watching Recently. | Blogtober

Hey there and welcome to Blogtober Day 21. Earlier in the year when we were in lock down, I did a what I’ve been watching during lock down post and you all seemed to like the post, so I thought I would do an updated version. I have been getting into watching TV properly again for the first time since I left school as I have more time on my hands at the moment and I’ve been loving relaxing in the evenings watching either a Film, some YouTube or some good ol’ telly. Let’s see what I’ve been watching then.

American Murder: The Family Next Door:

First up we have the Netflix Original Film American Murder: The Family Next Door. I feel like everyone has been talking about this film recently and it made me really want to give it a watch. I never usually watch these overly hyped Netflix films or the TV shows because they can be a bit of a let down, but this one was actually pretty good; well as good as a true story of a murder can get anyway. The whole film talks about the lead up to the murder, after the murder and the sentencing too and it’s all real and raw footage from the police, CCTV and Facebook videos/ pictures of the family. I won’t ruin it for you but if you’re into true crime or are looking for something to watch I’d add this to your ‘to watch’ list.

5 Guys a Week:

So, for someone who doesn’t watch TV hardly at all anymore, I’ve recently got into two TV shows. The first one is 5 Guys a Week which is basically where 5 single guys go and stay with one single women in her hour for a week and each day she has to get rid of someone until she’s down to the final guy who she see’s something developing with. It can be a bit meh some weeks but if you get an entertaining group of people the shows really good. I think this season is coming to an end soon, but I would recommend checking out season 3 because it’s been the best one so far!

Celebrity Karaoke Club:

The next TV show I’ve been watching is Celebrity Karaoke Club which, if you haven’t seen it, is about a group of Celebrities who go to a private bar and sing karaoke songs both in groups, on their own and duets and they have to vote to their favourite and least favourite to vote someone off each week. Then each week there is a new celeb that replaces the other one. It’s actually quite entertaining for a mid week show, some can sing, most can’t. some can perform, most can’t; I highly recommend checking it out if you like reality kinda shows.

Photo by Andrea Davis from Pexels
Savanna Darnell:

The next YouTuber I’ve been watching religiously recently is Savanna Darnell. She was a contestant on Love Island a few years ago and found her channel through that but I didn’t really watch her videos until a few months ago when she filmed her trip to Sweden. Savanna has also moved to New York recently so I’m living my dream through her at the minute and I’m finding it so interesting about how she’s settling in, what she’s doing etc.

Natalie Barbu: 

I stumbled across Natalie’s videos whilst we were in deep deep lock down because I was going through a stage of watching lots of New York vloggers. She was uploading vlogs of her viewing apartments in the city, morning and night routines and even money guides and advice. Natalie’s actually moved out of NYC for the time being and back with her parents in Charlote, NC but I’m still really enjoying watching her ‘day in the life’ vlogs.

Michael Finch:

I’ve been watching Michael’s videos on and off for a good 4 maybe even 5 years now and I feel like his content has almost grown with me. Back when I first found his videos he was very much a ‘beauty guru’ and that’s what I loved watching, however, recently his content has been more Mukbangs, Vlogs and Conspiracy Theories with the odd challenge video and still the occasional makeup vid as well and that pretty much sums up what I’m more into watching at the moment.

What have you been watching recently? Have you watched any of these?

So, that’s what I’ve been watching in the recent weeks to month or so. I’d love to know what you’ve been watching lately in the comments below. I really hope you enjoyed this post and I will see you tomorrow evening with a new one.



  1. lifeofanearthmuffin
    October 21, 2020 / 11:41 PM

    Looks like you’ve been watching some great things! I have been loyally watching the Halloween shows on Food Network – so fun to see what people can bake!
    Jenna ♥
    Stay in touch? Life of an Earth Muffin

    • October 23, 2020 / 9:03 PM

      Ooh I haven’t been watching that but I’m deffo going to check it out. Love a bit of baking💛

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