My Fave Cosy Night in Movies! || Blogtober

Happy hump day and welcome to a new post where I will be sharing my favourite movies to watch during a cosy night in. As the nights are drawing in and it’s getting colder outside, I love sitting by the fire with a big cup of Hot Chocolate in front of the telly … whether it be watching a chick flick or a scary movie. These are in no particular order.

1. John Tucker Must Die 

First up in my cosy night in movie favourites is John Tucker Must Die, which I was introduced to by a friend years and years ago whilst on a sleepover. This film is basically about a guy, called John Tucker, who is dating a few girls at once. During the film the girls find out what he’s doing and plan to get him back by getting help from the new girl in school to ruin his popularity.  If you’re into your typical 00’s chick flicks, then this one will be right up your street.

2. Hocus Pocus 

Next up is Hocus Pocus which I actually only watched for the first time last Halloween time, but I have seen so many people talk about how good this film is so I thought it was about time I had a watch. I am soo late to the party with this one but I can’t tell you how much I loved it and how I cannot wait to watch it again. A little overview on this film if you haven’t seen it, is that it’s about a brother and sister who take their friend along to visit an abandoned house, at this house they’re told a story which they don’t believe in the slightest but the main character, Max, accidentally releases a coven of witches and the film follows him trying to stop their spells from lasting forever.

3. Falling Inn Love

I think a cheesy romance film was needed  in this list and what better one than the newest Netflix original. I don’t know about you but I think Netflix originals are some of the best movies or TV series that I’ve seen in a long time. This is definitely full on CHEESE, but I did actually enjoy it.

4. Cabin in the Woods

In my opinion every movie night / movie marathon needs to have at least one horror, so I thought I would include a couple in this list. The first one I decided to include is the Cabin in the Woods which again, is one of those films that you’ve probably heard about a lot. This film is basically about … you guessed it … a cabin in the woods where a group of friends go and stay. I’m not going to spoil it for you, but let’s just say they get a whole lot more than they bargained for. I would say that this film is very predictable but I think it’s still a must watch. It’s been so long since I’ve seen this film, but as it’s spooky season, I’m just going to have to watch it again.

5. Slaughterhouse Rulez

I saw this film in the cinema this time last year, when it first came out. I’ve seen it a few times since and it’s deffo one of my faves. When I first heard about this movie, I thought it was a scary one because of the title but it’s actually more of an action film. I’m not going to spoil this one for anyone who hasn’t been able to see this film yet, but essentially it’s about a school that has some kind of creepy animal thing (almost like a demogorgon) after them and they have to fight it off … trust me when I say it’s much better than it sounds haha.

6. I know what you did last Summer

I just had to throw a horror film in there didn’t I? If you haven’t already seen this one, which by the way you should because it’s a good’en, it’s basically about a group of friends who in the previous summer accidentally run over a fisherman and had to dump his body. The following year (which is when this film starts from) one of the friends receives a letter saying ‘I know what you did last summer’ and then they feel like they’re being watched / followed throughout the film. I won’t spoil this one, but it’s deffo a must watch and although I haven’t watched this one for quite a while, it’s always going to be a favourite of mine.

7. The Duff

Also on my list is The Duff which is another chick flick, because clearly I love these types of films … and I didn’t realise just how much until making this list. If you haven’t heard of this film it’s basically about a girl who realises that she is the DUFF … Designated Ugly Fat Friend … but she falls for one of the most popular guys in school so we can already tell where this film is going. It’s pretty similar to a lot of other chick flicks in terms of story lines and about a girl whose not as ‘pretty’ or popular as the other girls at the beginning but throughout the film tries to change that. Deffo a must watch and it’s even on Netflix so it’s easily accessible to watch.

8. She’s the Man

My next favourite is She’s the Man, which I’m sure you have all heard of and the main character of this one is Amanda Bynes. I think Amanda was perfect for this role and I couldn’t mention my love for the film without talking about how much she made the film. She plays ‘Viola’ who is a soccer player in the film, but her team get’s cut meaning she can’t play anymore. But her brother is enrolled in a boarding school but secretly goes to London to pursue something else. Viola then pretends to be her twin brother Sebastian so she can play soccer again, but ends up falling in love with her ‘brothers’ room mate. I won’t spoil anymore if you haven’t seen it, but it’s deffo up there with one of my all time favourite films.

9. Mean Girls

Another absolute classic is Mean Girls, which is one of those films that always makes me feel nostalgic about the amount of girly sleepovers I had with my friends watching this whilst growing up. MG’s is one of those films that everyone (or almost everyone) has seen, probably multiple times as well, and everyone will be able to find at least one character that they can relate to either now, or when they were in high school. I find some films can get a little bit boring or hard to watch after the 2nd or 3rd time, however I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve seen this one and I still get excited to watch even years later.

10. Angus Thongs and Perfect Snogging

What a classic chick flick Angus Thongs is eh? This film has always been a fave of mine since it first came out and I don’t have much time to watch it now, so if I’m having a movie night in I’ll always make time for this one or if I’m not sure which one I want to watch, this is always going to be an option. I feel like Georgia is one of those characters that every girl, young or old, is either able to relate to her now, or has been able to relate to her situation at some point in their life. Whether it’s because they’re not happy with the way they look, they’re having friendship troubles or are starting to meet boys and trying to impress ‘THE’ boy. If you haven’t seen this one yet, then this HAS to be on your ‘to watch’ list.


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