New in: Small Beauty Bay Haul.

Hey there and welcome back to a new post on my blog. Before I start this post, I just wanted to say that I hope you’re all doing well despite all that’s going on in the world during this devastating time. It feels a little bit strange to be back to writing blog posts, but I’ve missed it so much. I want to use this self isolating period, however long it may be, to be productive and get back into blogging, which should hopefully help me to find my love for it again … because I know it’s still there somewhere. Anyway, I decided to treat myself to a few new makeup products to test out and I figured I would share them with you, because I know I love seeing / reading haul posts.

The first item I decided to pick up is the Revolution Cut Crease Canvas in Halo White. I have wanted this for the longest time after seeing a number of different Bloggers and YouTubers raving about it, but it’s always been out of stock or I just haven’t been able to buy it at the time. Thankfully when I went on the Beauty Bay Website, this wasn’t just in stock, it was also discounted too!! I have been so into experimenting with makeup recently and cut creases have been a go to, so I have high hopes for this and I hope it helps me improve even more. >> linked here <<

Just an fyi, I have been getting really into TikTok recently and makeup looks have been the main focus around my videos, so if you would like to check them out, my username is lxcibark3r_.

I then saw that BB were doing a discount on Sample Beauty, which is a brand that I hadn’t heard of before but I decided to have a look and see what I could find. So, I came across some loose pigments and I’ve been wanted to get some actually … again to improve my makeup looks. And I saw this shade called ‘Bambi’ and, as you can see by the picture above, it’s a beautiful luminous orange colour and I’m well excited to try it out. I have so many ideas of how I can include this in lots of different looks, so make sure you keep your eyes peeled if you want to see them. >> linked here <<

Last, but not least, I decided to get the Wet & Wild Photo Focus Foundation because I’ve been in need of a new foundation due to running low on all my favourites and so I thought it was the perfect excuse to try out a new one. I don’t think I’ve tried any of Wet & Wild’s products before because they were quite difficult to get hold of in the UK for like the longest time, but I have heard good things so I’m hoping it works for my skin. I picked up the shade Nude Ivory for reference. This foundation retails at just £5.95 which makes it a really affordable drugstore foundation so if it’s good and I like it, my bank account is going to love it too!! >> linked here <<

There we have it, these were the bits that I picked up in my latest makeup shop. Thank you so much for taking the time to read this post, I really hope you enjoyed the read. Be sure to check out my previous post and I will be back soon with a new one.


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