Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

Hey there and welcome to a new post on my blog. Well, would you look at this, a new style of post for you guys. After 3 and a half years of being mainly a beauty blog, I’ve decided to switch things up a little bit and introduce more lifestyle and travel content. There will still be a lot of beauty, but I think it’s time for a change. Who knows, you may even see a little bit of fashion at some point.

Anyway, for today’s post I’m going to be sharing what I’m doing to stay productive during this lock down time and hopefully this will give you some tips and ideas on how you can too. It can be an easy option to sunbathe in the garden,  play animal crossing and/or watch Netflix in bed all day, not that this is a bad thing but for me I didn’t want this to become an everyday thing because this could be life for weeks or months to come. So, this list is my new normal for however long this is gonna last.

  • Making lists

I find lists are the best way to keep me productive and on top of all the little jobs I need to do. Being able to write down the things I want to get done either that day or just in that week keeps me from stressing about uploads and deadlines etc. It’s also very satisfying to tick everything off of it. To be honest my lists aren’t always as long as my, some days it could even be as little as changing my bed or cleaning my makeup brushes but it still makes me feel as though I’ve achieved something in the day and so I don’t feel like I’m falling behind.

  • Uploading more often

I’ve always been someone that uploads twice a week, sometimes a little more when I’m doing Blogmas or something, and sometimes even as little as once a week. However, I wanted to use all my spare time wisely by making the most of it and doing what I’ve always wanted to do and that’s blog full time. It gets stressful with everyday life working, seeing friends etc. that I found it really hard to keep up with a regular schedule but now that I’m uploading every other day I want to get ahead and stay ahead so that when I go back to work I can continue to be consistent with my uploads. Not just on my blog, but I am also uploading once or twice a day over on my Instagram @ lookswithluce. I’ve really got into doing eyelooks to upload on their and I’m really enjoying experimenting so if you’re into makeup, make sure to check out my looks.

  • Scrapbooking 

Next up is Scrapbooking, which I had always seen other people do but never really thought about doing one myself. Well that was until I got home from my recent trip to New York and it made me want a place to keep all my mementos from my past and future travels. I just ordered a random scrapbook online and printed some photos on TruPrints and got started. I’ve only included a few trips where I actually had pictures and plane tickets etc. but I am very excited to do some more travelling and fill up this book.

  • Learning Spanish

Let’s be honest here, learning a language can take years so I’m not going to be fluent anytime soon, but it does keep me occupied but learning at the same time. I’ve always wanted to learn Spanish but through school I was always in the class that learnt French and German so I wasn’t able too and I just never got around to it in my spare time. I’m using an APP called Duolingo which is completely free and I actually feel like I’m learning more and more as the days go on … even if it’s just another word or phrase. If you’ve ever wanted to learn another language, then I cannot recommend this APP enough. It has every language you can imagine on there so be sure to check it out if you want to !!

  • Working Out 

This isn’t something that I have been doing everyday, but for someone who doesn’t go to the gym anyway, anything is an improvement. I’ve been following videos / workout routines online and also doing the odd bit of yoga if I’m really not feeling it one day. Due to being at home a lot I’m obviously not moving around as much as I would be doing normally so I am trying to stay fit and also keep on top of all this chocolate that I’ve consumed over Easter.

 As a Beauty Therapist I don’t have any ‘jobs’ to do from home so I understand this could be why I have more time on my hands than you may have if you’re still working but I really hope you enjoyed this post anyway and hopefully it’s helped give you some ideas on how you can also stay productive during this time. Be sure to check out my previous post and I will see you soon with a new one.



  1. April 17, 2020 / 3:30 PM

    I am such a list maker and that is definitely all that’s keeping me productive during lockdown! Such a useful post, thanks for sharing!
    Grace xx

    • lucibarker16
      April 17, 2020 / 3:32 PM

      I find it’s the only way haha and I’m so glad this post helped you! x

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