What I’ve Been Watching! || Lockdown Edition.

 Hey there and welcome back to a new post on my blog. During lock down I’ve been bingeing different series and watching more YouTube than I would normally do because, ya know got lots of time on my hands. So I thought I would share with you what I’ve been watching just in case you’re stuck for anything to watch. Anyway what have I been watching?

The first thing I’ve been watching during lock down is Hannah Montana. I feel like everyone’s been watching Disney+ and reliving their childhood this past month and I deffo have. Hannah Montana was one of the shows I was most excited about watching because it was my fave show growing up. I managed to watch all four seasons in about a week, which for some one who never really watches tv or series, it’s A LOT. There is so much more I want to watch on Disney+ at the moment but there’s just too much to decide on next so I’d love to hear about what you’ve been watching on there.

Next up is a Netflix series called Prison Break and I’m sure you’ve all heard about this series as it was so talked about a few years back, but I’m clearly late to the party. Me and my family have been binge-ing this series since lockdown started and it’s one of the only things we actually have to look forward to in the evenings at the moment. I don’t want to spoil it if you haven’t already watched it, but it’s deffo worth a watch. I didn’t really like the sound of it at first because it’s not something I’d usually watch, but from episode one I’ve been hooked.

Moving on to YouTube. I’m always watching YouTube and keeping up with all my fave creators so I have been watching quite a few different channels but I’ll only be sharing a couple that I want to mention. Syd and Ell are a duo that I have been watching for a couple of years now and they share lots of different types of videos including makeup, vlogs and challenges. They’re currently doing virtual videos and they’re still making really enjoyable videos so I would recommend checking them out.

As travelling isn’t going to be in our schedules for looks like a while, I’ve been watching a few travel vlogs to help me plan future trips or just to have a virtual escape. Backpacking Bananas is run by a British girl who solo travels around the world and always shares advice, tips and much more on each destination she visits. Whether it be as close as France or as far as Australia, she’s got it covered.

I don’t usually watch normal TV but recently there has been a couple of things on that have made me want to sit down of an evening and watch the latest ep. A show called Quiz was on last week, which basically was a three part series on the Who Wants To Be A Millionaire cheating scandal and it was so interested and entertaining. If you haven’t seen it yet, it’s deffo worth a watch.

Last but not least is Friday Night Dinner. I’ve actually just finished watching it whilst writing this and it’s one of my fave shows I’ve watched in a while. It’s just what we all need at the moment which is a bit of a laugh and a perfect way to start the weekend. It’s about a Jewish family from London who sit down every Friday evening for their meal at the beginning of the weekend. The two sons (one of which plays Will from The Inbetweeners) are always arguing just like siblings do and being pranksters. It’s just a bit of lighthearted humour and I reckon you’d love it if you haven’t already given it a watch.

So those are the things that I’ve been watching to get me through quarantine. Thank you so much for taking the time to read this post, I really hope you enjoyed it. I’d love to hear about what you’ve been watching for when I finish Prison Break and I’ll see you in a few days with a new post.




  1. May 16, 2020 / 11:03 PM

    I love Disney plus. Been watching it a lot lately.

    • Luci Barker
      May 17, 2020 / 1:43 PM

      Ohh me too! theres so many classics on there!! x

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