Nice to meet you, let me introduce myself!

My name is Luci, I’m 22 years old, I’m from Sussex, England and I’m so pleased you’ve stumbled across my Blog. I started this blog in 2017 in a spur of the moment idea and here we are all these years later; although now this is my part of my job!! Who would’ve thought it? Certainly not the person I was back then. When I started this blog, I was just a young girl with a love for all things Beauty, Fashion and Travel so I thought that I would make a blog revolving around all the things that I love and turn my passions into something productive.

After trying my hand at a number of different jobs, including my most recent role as a Beauty Therapist, I found that my one true goal was to turn my place on the internet, the place where I share my thoughts, opinions and parts of my life, into my full-time job so I can bring you new, fresh content regularly; I still have a little way to go, but we’re on track!

When I’m not writing away and snapping pictures of the same flat lay 103948 times, I am painting my face with new makeup looks or dreaming of my next holiday; oh and I love a Custard Cream or 10.

I have so many plans for and I hope you enjoy my posts and follow me on my journey to see where my little blog can go next! I spend a lot of my time over on Instagram where we can have a chat!